Total Cost of Ownership (TCO)
Brendan Scott: Why Free Software's TCO Must Be Lower
Cybersource: Linux vs Windows TCO
From Microsoft Word to Microsoft World: A NetAction Whitepaper Reproduced, originally from
GeodSoft: Linux, OpenBSD, Windows Sever Comparison
Blog of statistics gathered from various sources
Robert Francis Group, for IBM: TCO for Linux in the Enterprise
Robert Francis Group, for IBM: Total Cost of Ownership for Linux in the Enterprise (PDF)
Seven Open Source Business Strategies for Competitive Advantage
Business strategies for software vendors, hardware vendors, service providers, and any other business directly or peripherally involved in software
Whitepaper on the Negative Impact of Microsoft Desktop Monopoly on Australian Consumers
"In the software market, as in the telecommunications market, a single, powerful and well-leveraged vendor can cause the reduction of real competition and the corralling of almost all consumers into a single monopolistic platform situation. This causes significant reduction in choice, price competitiveness and innovation. Cybersource calls upon the ACCC to rectify this situation for the benefit of the local Information Technology industry and of all Australian IT consumers."
Copyright © 2004-2007 Matthew Schwartz